Friday, November 7, 2008
We have moved past the months of the Presidential campaign and into a new mindset as a nation and world. A lot of us did not vote for President-Elect Obama but are still so happy that we are living to see an African American in the White House. That being said, this is a time to unite as a nation and as a unified body of believing people to pray for our new President. He will need guidance and clarity as he steps into this mess we are in an have created. The decisions he will need to make are vital and needed, from the economy, foreign policy, and main street to health care, life-issues, and the womb to tomb mindset. These are only a few things he will face, which is even more a reason we have to pray for him, his administration, decisions and shifting mindsets to what we need as a country and a world. I heard a tidbit of pure gold just a day after this historic election ended. Pastor Zane spoke about the election to our small group of support staff on Thursday morning and offered great insight on where we go from here and not to keep looking back, also speaking of those that may not have cast there vote for Obama: "If we are not careful, we will hope for Obama's failure to validate our own opinions and in turn flush our nation down the toilet". This was profound to me and easy to fall susceptible to. What we need now is unity and strength, may we all find this together and continue to intercede for American and our new President.