Monday, November 3, 2008
History in the Making
This will be one of the most historic elections of our time. There is not a person who can deny that fact. We have seen and heard a lot of things the last few months and years, some have been true and a lot have been false. I only ask as we enter the final 24 that you will extend your prayers to the candidates, with your whole heart. To bless them in the path they have taken, and to guide them in the future they seek. I can only stress the dire needs that our future President must face and will experience. This is a time like no other, and it deserves a person like none before. May the hands of America be guided to the box that is needed to move us from fear to hope. Hope that we as a nation can come together once more to see through these challenging times and to unite us as we are divided. We must push petty differences aside as we grow and learn to work on a familiar field together. There are powers that wish evil upon us as a nation and we must not let them succeed. America is different and amazing in so many ways, let us not stray from what is vital and needed as a country. I pray that God will bless us tomorrow with a person that is fit to lead our country and world today. May you find peace and clarity where you reside tonight and find a decision where you Vote tomorrow.