Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Originally uploaded by Zane Taylor Anderson

Ever have those moments when you realize that life is real and there is no avoiding the sheer fact that you have to face it no matter how hard the circumstance or event? It always seems to be very abrupt and unexpected. There isn't a text or email saying FYI your gonna be hit with some craziness today. Nope. Just bam and here we go. Well there is no way to avoid it so I have come to accept it. Take a second and ask why, then take ten minutes and say how. How will I proceed to turn this around, to solve this problem, to resolve this conflict. How will I take control of this why and how soon can I make it happen. I am a big believer in being prompt. Don't wait to resolve or the stone may be set. It is easier to work with clay than with a jackhammer.